Kalasdags - Redaktionsbloggen - Grattis Alexia!


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Grattis Alexia!

Du är en av våra vinnare i vår stora tävling Vinn Drömkalaset. Vinsten är ett kalas på Polismuseet med Kalaspolisen

Vad kan du berätta om dig själv? Har du hunnit fundera vem som kommer få ha sitt kalas på Polismuseet?

I am a native English speaker, so I hope that is it okay that I write in English. :)

I am "mamma" to Ross (age 9) and Max (age 7). We have recently moved back to Stockholm, after living in Göteborg for the past four years. Earlier, I worked for EF Education as a Project Leader within Publications and Marketing Communications. When we lived in Göteborg, I started the first franchise for a program called English4Kids (www.english4kids.se) that works with Swedish pre-schools, day care centers and schools to inspire children aged 1-10 to speak English. As a native English speaker with two little boys learning two languages, my heart was really in my work. Presently, I am still working part time with English4Kids, producing educational course materials for the students and literature guides for the instructors.

However, my favorite job is being mom to the boys; especially when I get to plan parties for them! We have had a lot of fun with themes that describe the children: from robot, mechanics, space and airplanes to firetruck, dinosaur, world, shark, knight, pirate and prince. I have thrown parties at Universeum and Sjöfartsmuseet in Göteborg as well as Tekniska Museet and Aquaria here in Stockholm. They were all so fun and hopefully, gave my boys wonderful memories of their birthdays.


My son, Max (age 7) will have the honor of having a party at Polismuseet.


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Inlagt 2010-11-10 23:09 | Läst 24139 ggr. | Permalink
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